I am having another great week here in Argentina. I am studying the patterns and principles of revelation in my personal studies and I feel like I am growing so much to love and appreciate the Holy messenger.
As I learn and understand the many ways he has brought information and edification to the ancient prophets and servants of the Lord. I notice he does a lot more then just whisper to us. He can instruct us and even create a stupor of thoughts if we decide incorrectly. He will guide our hands in craftsmanship that is beyond our own abilities. Like building theTemples, the woodworkers and stonecutters and of course Nephi of old, a ship that was in no way a design by man. It amazes to me that with all these signs that sometimes we still even doubt or ignore the promptings given to us. It’s hard to differentiate, was that a thought mixed with “natural man” feelings or a thought given to me from God through a divine messenger.
I think that the key to decide the difference between these two are in the word edifies. Edify means to bring something to clarity of understanding. God will only give us revelation if it DOES make things clear, enlighten or lift our spiritual lives. I think this is the way I distinguish inspiration from feelings that I have. I ask does this edify me or perhaps another that I cant see. Gods ways are not my own so I ponder this when I feel like I have inspiration from God.
Monday was good, I was in charge of our lessons for our zone meeting. It went really great, I had some good practice sessions. We talked about situations that were not easy to teach and how we sometimes make things more confusing then they need to be when explaining a concept to someone with no understanding of our gospel. Then the rest of the day we contacted the people in a new areasin attempt to reach our goal of a 100 contacts in a week.
We had the elders from another area and the zone leader living with us for three days and it was super fun, like a big party every night! The coolest thing was that Elder Pitcher heard I liked eggs a lot, so he brought me two ostrich eggs to make us omelets out of! It was super fun! They are massive and I sent home pics and a video I think! It was great. They taste a little different but still yummy.
We had another lesson with an investigator. He wants to be baptized, but because he is living with a women he has decided to move out and get his own place instead of getting married. He is very committed to getting baptized and is moving along with the lessons well.
We devoted all day to contacting and we did just that. We ate with a member for lunch and we had fish he caught stuffed inside of tomatoes with mayonnaise and it was pretty good and nice to eat some different flavors besides eggs and rice. They eat mayonnaise on everything in this country it is crazy!
Today was service day so we went to the store bought garbage bags and went to the park and picked up trash until dinner. Then we went contacting! We visited the family that just got married and they are doing good! He is getting the priesthood next week so he can baptize his wife so that will be so special & fun!
We had to go pick up an elder that was coming to our area at 3am from the bus stop. Those visits are so early in the morning half the time I remember nothing about them! We had a great lesson with recent converts. We taught about the importance of school. He is 16 and having a difficult time in school so we used the duty to God book and it was a really good tool!
We contact all day and visited the bishopric and we discussed the up coming goals for the ward and baptisms. It was great, the ward really wants to help out with missionary service. It’s such a blessing having people at least trying to share the gospel with others. It makes a huge difference in the lives of elders.
We had a great Sunday we taught the Gospel Principles class on obedience. We had some investigators come, it was great they were participating the whole time. Other members around their age came and befriend them and attended the classes with them. It was so cool to see members doing that! Then after church we went out contacting again to get our weekly goal! Contacting is probably one of my favorite things to do. I really learn a lot and enjoy getting to do it so much in the week. There is a new member who I just love to see on Sundays. He asked me weeks ago where I got my suspenders from, then the next week he showed up with suspenders. Last week he showed up with a short sleeve white shirt, then when he saw me he asked me to roll up his sleeves like mine! SO fun and flattering!
-Love Elder Vance
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My favorite new member, who loves to dress like me. I love it! |