Hello Family,
I am doing great. Just had a Alfajore, one of my new favorite things! It is like a cookie/moon-pie/peanut butter thing. My comp and I are actually getting along way better this week. I decided that I was just going to be what ever he wanted me to be and try to be his favorite companion. I just am finishing my laundry in the cyber. It takes a long time but it’s nice to have clean cloths to wear. You all should be grateful and enjoy your washer and dryer this week as you are all spoiled in the USA to have running water and washers and dryers.
My house address is 2556 Cerrito is my house address we are the top floor with a balcony! My Spanish is coming along. The MTC didn’t help me much and all the accent here change about 60 percent of the words sounds, but luckily both Mexican and Argentina can understand it. I will get there, I am studying very hard and praying very hard to speak better. I just read my Spanish book and follow right behind my companion all day. We had a good storm a few days ago and didn’t have power but it turned on today so now we are warm again!
In the morning it’s a bout 50 but in the afternoon warms to about 80 so pretty big change. It sucks to run when it’s so cold. We run along the river every morning.
I have never wanted American food so bad! I didn’t realize how much I love it.
My comp loves Oreos he spends like half of his money on them but they taste so weird!
This morning I had eggs with rice and tonight… I am thinking of making rice with eggs! Because of that, I have lost a good amount of weight and my grey suit is a little more roomie then before I work out for about a hour when we get home also.
Here is my week in review…
We had a sleepover with some elders from one of our areas for zone conference and they bought stuff to make pizza!! I was never that excited to have pizza in my life! It wasn’t very big, but it was different then eggs so I loved it! We had three new contacts made that morning and we taught a lesson in a door way for one of them! It was really cool, but I felt bad cause we couldn’t go inside because it was a single mother.
We had meetings with the Mission President. He is a very funny man and we get along great! We had zone conference and it lasted about half of the day. We had to walk about 2 miles to get the stake center, but we saw the President and his wife and they told everybody to bring fruits. They made us fruit parfaits and yogurt. The whole time was very hard to follow because they he talks very fast and uses a lot of words that I don’t know yet but, I was actually able to understand quite a bit of it! Later that day we had a lesson with a little boy that we are baptizing this Saturday. His name is Ezikel and he is 9, he is the only member in his family but he has attended church with his neighbors and his best friend for atlas a year.
Not a lot happened on Wednesday we made 7 new contacts in the morning and then after the siesta visited members and less actives, or the ones that were home.
We were very far from our home tracting in the morning and this little boy runs up to me and my comp and he is like 5 or 6. I have no idea but he has a lollipop in his hands and he is holding it from the sucker side not the stick so he has crazy colored and super sticky hands and he stretched out his arm and wanted to shake our hands then he tries to look at my tie! I was trying to step back and avoid these sugar cover hands! Then he took my comps Book of Mormon and ran away.. quite strange.
The Hermanas in our district decided to have chalk art of the plan de salvation in the central of their area. They invited us to come and explain it to people who passed by. We left at 9 and got there at ten or so and after they finished there chalk design which was pretty extravagant and very vibrant it started to rain!!! It was so funny and sad all at the same time! but luckily it didn’t ruin the whole thing!
We went a young girls house to interview her for baptism for our zone leaders. Then later that night when to her baptism. It was really cool and different then what I am use to. The cloths looked like a big sheet and had a white rope tied around the waist. My comp and I sat at the piano bench cause he played the piano and then they started the session like the talks and stuff, I just sat there and pretend to play along because I ways already up there. Some of the people in attendance told me how good I was at the piano! After the baptism all of the youth surrounded me and my companion cause they loved talking to us they say we are so different! I feel so tall in this country I was probably a good 6 or seven inches taller then any man in that whole chapel.
They asked me and my comp to come and attend the young women’s class and when we went in the teacher said now Elder Vance will talk to us about the importance of eternal marriage. I was complete caught me off guard. But the worst part was that they are all talking English in school and they asked if I would talk in English about it so they can work on there language skills. After church there was this crazy man and he comes from far away, he came to our chapel because he had heard there was english speaking missionary’s and he wants to show off his skill to us. He is in college learning to me a professor in inglish and he is terrible at English. He says he has 3 semesters left!!!! I feel sorry for his future students. Have you read Our Heritage or Our Search for Happiness or Jesus the Christ? I want you all to get them and read them, they are so great!
I have to go, my time is out.
Love you all,
Elder Vance
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